Images not looking correct on your Website? Let’s fix it!

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Images with incorrect aspect ratios can potentially break your web shop.

We recommend to have all images 800px X 800px.


Make sure that the following directory is empty: “Documents\SMART-IT\Images“.

To export Images from Smart-IT

In Smart-IT click on the Stock Items tab, then click on the Extra drop down menu and lastly click on Stock & Pricelist Import / Update (CSV/XLSX).

Click on the Export Images button on the right hand of the screen.

Now we need to be able to edit all these images to

  1. have the correct resolution
  2. maintain the correct aspect ratio of the source image
  3. fill in the image background with white on the sides / top & bottom where the aspect ratio of the source image was not 1:1


Recommended Software: XnView

Download Link:

Download and install software.

Open XnView

On the left hand side browse to the directory with the Smart-it exported images

(Default: “Documents\SMART-IT\Images“.)

Select all the Images

Go to the Main menu, click on the Tools and then on Batch Processing.

Select your output directory.

Then go to the Transformations tab.

Double Click on the Resize Option


Width 800, Height 800, Keep Ratio must be ticked, Follow orientation must be ticked.


Double click on Canvas Resize.


Width 800, Height 800, Background colour: Select White

Click on the Go Button

Example of Before Image

Example of After Image

Now we can go Back to Smart-IT and re import the images.

In Smart-IT click on the Stock Items tab, then click on the Extra drop down menu and lastly click on Stock & Pricelist Import / Update (CSV/XLSX).

Input the Folder where the bulk corrected images have been stored.

Make sure the Override/Replace Images box is ticked.

Click on the Import Images button on the right hand of the screen.


Please contact us if you require any further assistance.

Customer Classification

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Structured Internal Notes

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Throw away those memos you keep on each job and have it all available in your Smart iT!


You can now make internal notes that are structured like a message in Sales Orders, Job cards and Quotations.

The notes are recorded in Smart iT with the date and person who created them, so you can track each message on that job.

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