Customer Classification

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Classifications are a powerful tool within Smart-IT Accounting software that helps you manage your customer-related information.

Within Smart-iT you can systematically categorize and group customers based on relevant attributes. Classification facilitates streamlined customer management, personalized interactions, targeted marketing strategies, and data-driven decision-making.

What is Data-Driven Decision-Making and how can my business benefit from it?

Properly classified customer data empowers businesses to make informed decisions. Whether expanding into new markets, introducing new products, or adjusting pricing structures. Classification provides valuable insights into the potential impacts on different customer segments, aiding in well-informed decision-making.

You can target specific markets by using effective classification, which enables the creation of targeted marketing campaigns. By grouping customers with shared characteristics, businesses can design campaigns that apply specifically to each group. This approach allows you to target the correct audiences and maximizes the impact of marketing efforts, resulting in higher conversion rates and a boost in sales.

How to Assign Classifications and Attributes to a Customer:

In Smart-iT you can open a customer and then go to the Classification section.

Here you can assign classifications and attributes to that customer (by using the drop-down menu next to each attribute), add options to an attribute (by clicking on the folder with the + sign next to the drop-down menu), or Change the attribute’s name (by clicking on the cogwheel left of the drop-down menu).

*Please NOTE: You will need the CRM module to access the above information under Customers.

Please contact us if you require any further assistance.