Program Update

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05 Oct 2017 18:09
– invoice: handle payout on account like cash if has empty/return
– grv: handle negative qty empty for sending with zero price correctly
– bom: select warehouse for components and separate warehouse for end product
– customer: sales person clear button
– customer: clear birthday button
– customer: prevent invalid birthday eg. 31 Feb
– sales order packing: add support for multiple barcode scan
– cashup transaction detail: add customer name
– sales order packing: refresh allocation button
– Stock Currency Revaluation
* on item set the currency
* grv items with same currency
* “Stock Currency Revaluation” under Stock Extra, fill in currency and exchange rate,
will then update cost price for all items with the selected currency
* Use when exchange rate has changed significantly, will post an adjustment to change cost price
* Will also update supplier list if currency selected on Other Supplier
* “Update list on grv process” will automatically fill in the currency and currency amount on GRV with currency
– sales order: send sms
* under Extra