Last Updated on February 15, 2018 by admin
15 Feb 2018 17:37
- customer ext lookup: add telephone number
- customer contacts lookup: add last purchase date
- new company: sales order settings default to Easy allocation mode
- customer ext lookup, contacts lookup: fix error when birthday this year invalid eg. 31 Feb 2018
- grv: fix supplier docno exist false positive
- internal job should influence avg sales
- sales order: option to disable/enable On Order Allocation
- sales order: allocation not allow edit if auto allocate
- jobcard: feedback during save
- grv: speed up processing
- grv: add processing status feedback
- cloud backup: prevent copy new backup while busy uploading prev backup
- cloud backup: if over 2gb use no image backup
- quote,salesorder: format total group thousands
- invoice option: round on account
- invoice: New item position – After Selected, At End
- inv save to sales order and back: keep Rep
- stock adjustment: prevent multiple process when pressing F9 multiple times
- Credit Note: user security settings allow pice change
- Form security: can now access via supervisor override
- Credit Note: react same as invoice after add item (jump to qty if Cash Mode unticked)
- stock master: update prices when change unit qty
- quote picking list: custom report
- invoice: security on date change
- Supervisor override: fix tab/enter order
- Customer block create when disallowed by security
- glaccount: add import, under extra
- glaccount: remove unused
- sales order: qty store 4 desimals